My favorite subject

I don't have a favorite subject of this semester, the truth is I wouldn't know which one to choose because this year has not been very good for me, but in 2019 when everything was better I had the wonderful inorganic chemistry lab and it was one of the labs that I enjoyed the most, one of those subjects that encourage you to get up early and you don't want to miss class. Inorganic chemistry is an area of chemistry that I really like and that lab was very interesting.
We synthesized boric acid H3BO3, iodine, copper by sedimentation, luminescent complexes Eu(tmh)3bpy and Tb(tmh)3bpy, among others. Something that I really liked to do is that after each laboratory I had to write a report, writing is something that I like very much and especially if it has to do with chemistry, so I gave a lot of dedication to this subject.
I remember that in one class we synthesized Prussian blue.Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3xH2O was like the blue ink of the pencils. What I liked the most was that the labs didn't take so much time and you could leave early for lunch.
One thing I didn't like so much was the controls every week, but nothing too terrible.


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