
Mostrando las entradas de enero, 2022

English 4, post 4

I wrote this in June of last year when I was eating a very balanced diet and cooking very healthy. My mental and physical situation was much better than it is now. I want to say that it is very easy to say ''don't eat ultra-processed foods because they are bad for your health'' or ''prefer oatmeal to white flour'' because to achieve that balance we must be mentally well. I had a family breakdown and since then I have not returned to that lifestyle, I do not strive to achieve it because I do not feel in the conditions to achieve it and many of my unhealthy foods help me feel better.                                                                 What are u eating?   The food industry subjects natural sugar freshly extracted from sugarcane to a chemical process that is relatively cheap for them and with which they obtain double or triple the amount of refined sugar. This is refined sugar The consumption of refined sugar is directly involved in many

English 4, post 8 [Final]

 I must begin by thanking the teacher for the great kindness that he presents in each of the classes and that even though they are in a difficult schedule, they are usually very entertaining and fast classes. I would have liked to attend more classes, but I always missed them. Most of all, I would have loved to attend the face-to-face classes of this course.  As for the blogs, I think it is a very comfortable way to express yourself and make use of the past contents. I really like to write, but I never have time to do it, so I am grateful to be able to do it even if it is forced and in English. When we started the classes, the idea of setting up our cell phones and using them with the English language was brought up. I have it to this day. At first it took me longer to do some things, but as time went on I found that it served as a method of study outside of class time, since every word I didn't know I had to look up.  I also like to read the lyrics of the music I'm listening t

English 4, Post 7

 I would change some subjects, for example: biochemistry. We undergraduate chemistry students generally don't like biology. The biochemistry course is a bit tedious, it's a lot of material and I don't think it will be of much help to us when we are working. Chemistry students are more about applying content than memorizing it and when I took that course, it was really exhausting. The study load could be reduced. The use of technology during class seems to me to be quite adequate and I don't think there is a need to implement anything more than a power point presentation. Most of the subjects are very applicable and it is always good to write on the board. I had the Linear Algebra Course where we used computer software to solve math problems, at the time I found it very boring, but on second thought it is a good platform. In some cases, it is also very important the demonstration, in the analytical chemistry courses we study a lot of equipment for the determination of co

English 4, post 6

  When I was little I wished I could have traveled into the future and seen how advanced the world was going. I remember imagining that in my small town, many years from now, there would be a McDonald's in my town. The truth is that this is impossible, but I saw it as very possible. The truth is that I would have been very disappointed. In these times, I don't know if I would like to travel many years in time, it scares me. I would not like to see what we have become and how destroyed we have our planet earth. Climate change is a real fact, it seems that no one cares, least of all the governments. If I could travel, I would do it 5 more years and then I would know if I managed to finish the race, because now it is becoming very difficult for me. I would like to see how my family is, if for example someone can reverse a health condition thanks to me traveling to the future. One thing I would not like to know is when our dog is going to die, that would make me very anxi

English 4, post 5

Hello, i am a chemistry student and the truth is that I still have a few years left to finish college, so I don't really know what I will do when I graduate. As a chemistry graduate, one of the things I would like to do is to be a teacher and teach how interesting chemistry is to all those kids at school who find chemistry boring. I would like to use technology to show them the molecules and chemical reactions, I think I could be a very entertaining and patient teacher with the students that it takes them more time to learn, something that is very important because it would make me a very empathetic teacher. I would also like to be a chemistry analyst and analyze samples in a laboratory. I care a lot about doing things right in the lab, I care about reading before adding a compound to a solution and cleaning the lab materials well, I am a very hygienic person. I think it would be one of the things I would most like to do because the theory of analysis is very interesting and all th