English 4, Post 7

 I would change some subjects, for example: biochemistry. We undergraduate chemistry students generally don't like biology. The biochemistry course is a bit tedious, it's a lot of material and I don't think it will be of much help to us when we are working. Chemistry students are more about applying content than memorizing it and when I took that course, it was really exhausting. The study load could be reduced.
The use of technology during class seems to me to be quite adequate and I don't think there is a need to implement anything more than a power point presentation. Most of the subjects are very applicable and it is always good to write on the board. I had the Linear Algebra Course where we used computer software to solve math problems, at the time I found it very boring, but on second thought it is a good platform. In some cases, it is also very important the demonstration, in the analytical chemistry courses we study a lot of equipment for the determination of compounds, but usually they are always photographs, it would be much better if the demonstration of the equipment was with videos or seeing it in person.
As for how welcoming the faculty is, I would like to see the buildings painted because the color of the cement is very depressing, especially when it's winter and everything looks so overwhelming. At least for me.
I like the atmosphere there because there are only 4 majors and you get to know everyone, it's like a small town. I also like the atmosphere on Friday afternoons, it's the moment when you relax and say ''tomorrow I'll study, now it's fun''. You have a beer (in my case) with your friends and later some burgers from Mcdonalds.


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